Alpha Wealth Solutions
P.O. Box 540277
Grand Prairie, TX 75054
ID#: 18107

Tom Danley's "Tape of the Month"

What is our Product?

Our main product is a monthly subscription to our on-going personal growth and self-improvement audio training program. Subscribers receive the current message of the month which is mailed from the home office on the 27th of each month.. Other personal growth products can be purchased at any time.  Below is a sample of our current retail audio messages.  More will be added periodically.

Why should you get involved in Personal Growth?

To improve the quality of your life and help others improve theirs.! Personal growth is you becoming better by training your mind to work FOR you rather than against you. To become the complete person you have always wanted to be demands that you learn more about true success principles. Most people just slide through life rather than make the effort to change, grow and become better. Your "Tape of the Month" learning experience will prove to be truly priceless. It will help you identify and correct habits of thinking that may be hindering your level of success in life. If there is a more successful person in you, on-going personal growth can bring that person to life.

Retail Audiotape/CD Messages Now Available

1. Find Your Why ~ Listen, Learn and Apply the lesson taught in this message, then absolutely nothing will ever be able to stand in the way of your success.

The Basis OF ALL Success ~ Understanding and applying the cycle of self development will guide you to success.

Money IS OK ~ Prosperity is a good thing! UN-lock your financial future by learning the truth

Get Rid of The Garbage ~ Move faster on your journey to success by learning how to let go of the past

The 3 D's of Success ~ Dream Big and apply the other two D's, then nothing can stop you on your journey to success

Patience ~ Apply the ideas taught on this tape and you will be able to attain all your goals and dreams

Comfort Zone or Success Zone ~ Expand your Confort Zone & enter the Success Zone

Defeat Procrastination ~ You will learn how to get rid of this common habit of putting important tasks off when you know you shouldn't

Break Away ~ Move away from negative people and surroundings which are preventing you from attaining true success and prosperity

Enjoy Failure ~ Fail Your Way To Success...every failure is a learning experience in disguise

Note 1:
Items #1 through #10 are individual tapes/CD and retail for $14.95

Note 2:
Distributors should see their product order form for wholesale prices

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